
 Since November 2011, I am fulltime with Swissmedic, the Swiss Institute for  Therapeutic Products as a Preclinical Reviewer and GLP Inspector.

 Before I joined Swissmedic, I was the founder and senior partner of Theragenomics Associates  (TGA). TGA are the makers of ThassoBase. ThassoBase is a genotyp-phenotype browser backed by a theragenomic knowledge base.  Theragenomics stands for the interactions of human genes with therapeutic efficacy, safety, and adverse effects of drugs when applied  according  to their intended indication. The genetic outfit of each single individuals varies. As a consequence, the outcome of a therapy with a selected drug may be very different from one patient to another, spanning a wide spectrum from total therapeutic success to unintentional fatal adverse effect.

Where this is already possible with today’s combined theragenomic knowledge, TGA creates Personalized Theragenomic Therapy Profiles (PTTP), which allow single patients as well as their treating physicians to understand how a selected drug, based on the genetic outfit (determined by a companion gene test) of a single patient  can be given to that patient in order 1) to achieve optimal therapeutic efficacy, 2) to warrant optimal safety of the drug and, 3) to avoid serious adverse effects of that particular drug with the patient.

In case of interest in ThassoBase or PTTP, you will find TGA at http://thasso.com or per e-mail at info@thasso.com.

PS: All principles in theragenomics are also applicable to all pharmacologically active ingredients of “all natural” and/or “alternative” medicines. Moreover, the individual genetic outfit is a contibuting factor to the variability of responses of individuals  when exposed occupationally and/or environmentally to chemicals,  socially to drugs such as alcohol and nicotine, or behaviorally to drugs of abuse.


Please note that contributions to and opinions published in this blog are not in any way those of Swissmedic.

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